The association of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (fT4) concentration levels with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in obese and overweight teenagers
Obesity has increased rapidly among children and adolescents during the last 30 years. Paediatric patients...
CZYTAJ DALEJ“PoZdro!” as an example of a successful multicenter programme for obesity management and healthy lifestyle promotion in children and adolescents – programme protocol and preliminary results from the first intervention site
Overweight and obesity rates in children and adolescents increase worldwide for over 30 years, what...
CZYTAJ DALEJGetting them through the door: Social and behavioral determinants of uptake and engagement in an obesity intervention
Using data from a large-scale screening program (N = 19634), we aimed to prospectively identify...
CZYTAJ DALEJFitness, Food and Biomarkers: Characterizing Body Composition in 19,634 Early Adolescents
Adolescent obesity persists as a major concern, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, yet evidence...
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